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Question 1 (Use of private funds in election administration)

Question 1 (Use of private funds in election administration)

Question 1 (Use of private funds in election administration)

April 2, 2024

April 2, 2024

April 2, 2024

This question proposes creating a constitutional amendment to prohibit state/local governments and officials from accepting or using any private donations or grants of money or equipment for conducting primaries, elections, or referendums. The goal is to prevent undue influence by private entities in election administration.

Key facts:

  • Would amend the Wisconsin Constitution's Article III to add a new Section 7

  • Aimed at restricting private funding for public election administration

  • Applies to state agencies, local governments, and their employees

Financial impact:

  • Could increase costs for state and local governments to administer elections without private grants

  • Would eliminate access to donated equipment/resources from private entities

Who is impacted:

  • State and local election officials and governments

  • Voters who benefit from efficient and well-resourced election administration

  • Private entities wishing to donate funds or equipment for elections

Intended for:

  • Increasing integrity of and confidence in election administration

  • Avoiding real or perceived conflicts of interest or undue influence from private groups

Voter impact:

  • Would need tax dollars to replace any lost private funding for election administration

  • Could result in less efficient elections if resources/equipment are reduced

This question proposes creating a constitutional amendment to prohibit state/local governments and officials from accepting or using any private donations or grants of money or equipment for conducting primaries, elections, or referendums. The goal is to prevent undue influence by private entities in election administration.

Key facts:

  • Would amend the Wisconsin Constitution's Article III to add a new Section 7

  • Aimed at restricting private funding for public election administration

  • Applies to state agencies, local governments, and their employees

Financial impact:

  • Could increase costs for state and local governments to administer elections without private grants

  • Would eliminate access to donated equipment/resources from private entities

Who is impacted:

  • State and local election officials and governments

  • Voters who benefit from efficient and well-resourced election administration

  • Private entities wishing to donate funds or equipment for elections

Intended for:

  • Increasing integrity of and confidence in election administration

  • Avoiding real or perceived conflicts of interest or undue influence from private groups

Voter impact:

  • Would need tax dollars to replace any lost private funding for election administration

  • Could result in less efficient elections if resources/equipment are reduced

This question proposes creating a constitutional amendment to prohibit state/local governments and officials from accepting or using any private donations or grants of money or equipment for conducting primaries, elections, or referendums. The goal is to prevent undue influence by private entities in election administration.

Key facts:

  • Would amend the Wisconsin Constitution's Article III to add a new Section 7

  • Aimed at restricting private funding for public election administration

  • Applies to state agencies, local governments, and their employees

Financial impact:

  • Could increase costs for state and local governments to administer elections without private grants

  • Would eliminate access to donated equipment/resources from private entities

Who is impacted:

  • State and local election officials and governments

  • Voters who benefit from efficient and well-resourced election administration

  • Private entities wishing to donate funds or equipment for elections

Intended for:

  • Increasing integrity of and confidence in election administration

  • Avoiding real or perceived conflicts of interest or undue influence from private groups

Voter impact:

  • Would need tax dollars to replace any lost private funding for election administration

  • Could result in less efficient elections if resources/equipment are reduced

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.