Created by Anirudh


Measure I - Hayward USD Bond Measure

Measure I - Hayward USD Bond Measure

Measure I - Hayward USD Bond Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

  • Measure I would authorize $550 million in school facilities bonds for the Hayward Unified School District, providing funding to modernize aging school buildings.

  • Bond repayment is estimated to cost $60 per $100,000 of assessed home value annually through 2058. Funds would update infrastructure and technology, improve earthquake safety and drinking fountains, remove hazardous materials, and replace portables.

  • Taxpayer safeguards like independent oversight and audits are required. Homeowners within Hayward USD boundaries would see higher property taxes to repay the bonds.

  • The measure aims to upgrade school facilities to enhance the learning environment for over 20,000 district students.

  • Approval requires 55% of votes.

  • Measure I would authorize $550 million in school facilities bonds for the Hayward Unified School District, providing funding to modernize aging school buildings.

  • Bond repayment is estimated to cost $60 per $100,000 of assessed home value annually through 2058. Funds would update infrastructure and technology, improve earthquake safety and drinking fountains, remove hazardous materials, and replace portables.

  • Taxpayer safeguards like independent oversight and audits are required. Homeowners within Hayward USD boundaries would see higher property taxes to repay the bonds.

  • The measure aims to upgrade school facilities to enhance the learning environment for over 20,000 district students.

  • Approval requires 55% of votes.

  • Measure I would authorize $550 million in school facilities bonds for the Hayward Unified School District, providing funding to modernize aging school buildings.

  • Bond repayment is estimated to cost $60 per $100,000 of assessed home value annually through 2058. Funds would update infrastructure and technology, improve earthquake safety and drinking fountains, remove hazardous materials, and replace portables.

  • Taxpayer safeguards like independent oversight and audits are required. Homeowners within Hayward USD boundaries would see higher property taxes to repay the bonds.

  • The measure aims to upgrade school facilities to enhance the learning environment for over 20,000 district students.

  • Approval requires 55% of votes.

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