Created by Anirudh


Measure H - Berkeley USD Parcel Tax Measure

Measure H - Berkeley USD Parcel Tax Measure

Measure H - Berkeley USD Parcel Tax Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

  • Measure H seeks to renew an existing parcel tax to provide locally-controlled funding for Berkeley public schools.

  • The tax would levy $0.54 per square foot of improvements on properties, up to $25 per unimproved parcel, for 8 years starting in 2025.

  • Rates could increase with inflation up to 3% annually. Low-income seniors and disabled are exempt. The tax would generate approximately $38 million per year, allocated for school programs (40%), instruction (40%), and student support services (20%). By law, funds cannot be taken by the state.

  • If approved by 2/3 of voters, Measure H continues voter-backed investments benefiting the 15,000+ Berkeley USD students with counseling, small class sizes, libraries, arts/music/athletics.

  • Measure H seeks to renew an existing parcel tax to provide locally-controlled funding for Berkeley public schools.

  • The tax would levy $0.54 per square foot of improvements on properties, up to $25 per unimproved parcel, for 8 years starting in 2025.

  • Rates could increase with inflation up to 3% annually. Low-income seniors and disabled are exempt. The tax would generate approximately $38 million per year, allocated for school programs (40%), instruction (40%), and student support services (20%). By law, funds cannot be taken by the state.

  • If approved by 2/3 of voters, Measure H continues voter-backed investments benefiting the 15,000+ Berkeley USD students with counseling, small class sizes, libraries, arts/music/athletics.

  • Measure H seeks to renew an existing parcel tax to provide locally-controlled funding for Berkeley public schools.

  • The tax would levy $0.54 per square foot of improvements on properties, up to $25 per unimproved parcel, for 8 years starting in 2025.

  • Rates could increase with inflation up to 3% annually. Low-income seniors and disabled are exempt. The tax would generate approximately $38 million per year, allocated for school programs (40%), instruction (40%), and student support services (20%). By law, funds cannot be taken by the state.

  • If approved by 2/3 of voters, Measure H continues voter-backed investments benefiting the 15,000+ Berkeley USD students with counseling, small class sizes, libraries, arts/music/athletics.

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.