Created by Anirudh


Measure E - Alameda USD Parcel Tax Measure

Measure E - Alameda USD Parcel Tax Measure

Measure E - Alameda USD Parcel Tax Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

  • Measure E renews two expiring Alameda Unified School District parcel tax measures (Measures B1 and A) with a consolidated 9-year education parcel tax, to sustain investments in academic programs, school staffing, and student readiness from 2025 to 2034.

  • The Measure E tax rates would be $0.585 per building square foot up to $15,998 maximum per year per parcel, and $598 per unimproved lot. Low-income seniors, disabled residents and other qualifying groups would be exempt.

  • The tax extension provides locally-controlled revenue that stays in Alameda schools to mitigate state budget uncertainty.

  • If approved, Measure E will continue voter-backed funding for school programs and staff through 2034 to benefit Alameda USD students.

  • Measure E renews two expiring Alameda Unified School District parcel tax measures (Measures B1 and A) with a consolidated 9-year education parcel tax, to sustain investments in academic programs, school staffing, and student readiness from 2025 to 2034.

  • The Measure E tax rates would be $0.585 per building square foot up to $15,998 maximum per year per parcel, and $598 per unimproved lot. Low-income seniors, disabled residents and other qualifying groups would be exempt.

  • The tax extension provides locally-controlled revenue that stays in Alameda schools to mitigate state budget uncertainty.

  • If approved, Measure E will continue voter-backed funding for school programs and staff through 2034 to benefit Alameda USD students.

  • Measure E renews two expiring Alameda Unified School District parcel tax measures (Measures B1 and A) with a consolidated 9-year education parcel tax, to sustain investments in academic programs, school staffing, and student readiness from 2025 to 2034.

  • The Measure E tax rates would be $0.585 per building square foot up to $15,998 maximum per year per parcel, and $598 per unimproved lot. Low-income seniors, disabled residents and other qualifying groups would be exempt.

  • The tax extension provides locally-controlled revenue that stays in Alameda schools to mitigate state budget uncertainty.

  • If approved, Measure E will continue voter-backed funding for school programs and staff through 2034 to benefit Alameda USD students.

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.