Created by Anirudh


Measure D - City of Oakland Ordinance Measure

Measure D - City of Oakland Ordinance Measure

Measure D - City of Oakland Ordinance Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

  • Measure D would amend Oakland's annual appropriations spending limit to allow previously approved local tax measures to continue providing revenue for important city services without exceeding state constitutional limits.

  • The increased spending limit authorized by Measure D would be valid through March 2028.

  • The change is necessary because Oakland's baseline spending limit has not kept pace with growing revenue from voter-approved taxes that fund services like emergency response, libraries, children's programs, homeless support services, and the Oakland Zoo.

  • A majority vote is required for approval.

  • The appropriations limit adjustment does not raise taxes but rather permits ongoing allocation of existing tax revenue to continue funding beneficial city initiatives.

  • Measure D would amend Oakland's annual appropriations spending limit to allow previously approved local tax measures to continue providing revenue for important city services without exceeding state constitutional limits.

  • The increased spending limit authorized by Measure D would be valid through March 2028.

  • The change is necessary because Oakland's baseline spending limit has not kept pace with growing revenue from voter-approved taxes that fund services like emergency response, libraries, children's programs, homeless support services, and the Oakland Zoo.

  • A majority vote is required for approval.

  • The appropriations limit adjustment does not raise taxes but rather permits ongoing allocation of existing tax revenue to continue funding beneficial city initiatives.

  • Measure D would amend Oakland's annual appropriations spending limit to allow previously approved local tax measures to continue providing revenue for important city services without exceeding state constitutional limits.

  • The increased spending limit authorized by Measure D would be valid through March 2028.

  • The change is necessary because Oakland's baseline spending limit has not kept pace with growing revenue from voter-approved taxes that fund services like emergency response, libraries, children's programs, homeless support services, and the Oakland Zoo.

  • A majority vote is required for approval.

  • The appropriations limit adjustment does not raise taxes but rather permits ongoing allocation of existing tax revenue to continue funding beneficial city initiatives.

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