Created by Anirudh


Measure A - Alameda County Charter Amendment - Civil Service Measure

Measure A - Alameda County Charter Amendment - Civil Service Measure

Measure A - Alameda County Charter Amendment - Civil Service Measure

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

  • This charter amendment would reduce the minimum notice period for Alameda County civil service examination announcements from 25 days to 14 calendar days.

  • The change applies solely to classified civil service positions, which use exams to test applicant qualifications. Reducing the notice period would align with state guidelines and provide flexibility in scheduling exams.

  • Applicants, human resources staff, departmental managers and others participating in the civil service hiring process would be impacted.

  • As a charter amendment placed on the ballot by the Board of Supervisors, majority voter approval is required for passage.

  • This charter amendment would reduce the minimum notice period for Alameda County civil service examination announcements from 25 days to 14 calendar days.

  • The change applies solely to classified civil service positions, which use exams to test applicant qualifications. Reducing the notice period would align with state guidelines and provide flexibility in scheduling exams.

  • Applicants, human resources staff, departmental managers and others participating in the civil service hiring process would be impacted.

  • As a charter amendment placed on the ballot by the Board of Supervisors, majority voter approval is required for passage.

  • This charter amendment would reduce the minimum notice period for Alameda County civil service examination announcements from 25 days to 14 calendar days.

  • The change applies solely to classified civil service positions, which use exams to test applicant qualifications. Reducing the notice period would align with state guidelines and provide flexibility in scheduling exams.

  • Applicants, human resources staff, departmental managers and others participating in the civil service hiring process would be impacted.

  • As a charter amendment placed on the ballot by the Board of Supervisors, majority voter approval is required for passage.

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.