Created by Anirudh


Measure 3 - Biennial Budget, City Council Vacancies, and Charter Language Amendment

Measure 3 - Biennial Budget, City Council Vacancies, and Charter Language Amendment

Measure 3 - Biennial Budget, City Council Vacancies, and Charter Language Amendment

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024


  • Measure 3 is a proposed charter amendment on the March 2024 ballot seeking to change various governance policies and procedures in Huntington Beach.

Key Facts

  • Would require the adoption of a biennial (two-year) city budget rather than annual starting in 2026

  • Allows the mayor or a majority of the council to cancel a meeting if at least one is still held that month

  • Requires someone appointed to a vacant council seat be up for election at the next general municipal election rather than at the end of the vacated term

  • Makes various syntax, date, pronoun and title changes like replacing "he" with "person"

Financial Impact

  • Potential minor cost savings from doing a biennial rather than annual budget.

Who is Impacted

  • Huntington Beach residents would see changes in budget cycles, council vacancy policies, pronouns, and how meetings can be canceled.

Intended For

  • Supporters argue the governance changes promote efficiency and representation.

Voter Impacts

  • Voters decide if they want to change rules regarding city budgets, cancellations, vacancies and language modernization. Approving grants the flexibility while rejecting means maintaining current policies.

In summary, Huntington Beach's Measure 3 proposes several charter tweaks to budgets, vacancies, mee


  • Measure 3 is a proposed charter amendment on the March 2024 ballot seeking to change various governance policies and procedures in Huntington Beach.

Key Facts

  • Would require the adoption of a biennial (two-year) city budget rather than annual starting in 2026

  • Allows the mayor or a majority of the council to cancel a meeting if at least one is still held that month

  • Requires someone appointed to a vacant council seat be up for election at the next general municipal election rather than at the end of the vacated term

  • Makes various syntax, date, pronoun and title changes like replacing "he" with "person"

Financial Impact

  • Potential minor cost savings from doing a biennial rather than annual budget.

Who is Impacted

  • Huntington Beach residents would see changes in budget cycles, council vacancy policies, pronouns, and how meetings can be canceled.

Intended For

  • Supporters argue the governance changes promote efficiency and representation.

Voter Impacts

  • Voters decide if they want to change rules regarding city budgets, cancellations, vacancies and language modernization. Approving grants the flexibility while rejecting means maintaining current policies.

In summary, Huntington Beach's Measure 3 proposes several charter tweaks to budgets, vacancies, mee


  • Measure 3 is a proposed charter amendment on the March 2024 ballot seeking to change various governance policies and procedures in Huntington Beach.

Key Facts

  • Would require the adoption of a biennial (two-year) city budget rather than annual starting in 2026

  • Allows the mayor or a majority of the council to cancel a meeting if at least one is still held that month

  • Requires someone appointed to a vacant council seat be up for election at the next general municipal election rather than at the end of the vacated term

  • Makes various syntax, date, pronoun and title changes like replacing "he" with "person"

Financial Impact

  • Potential minor cost savings from doing a biennial rather than annual budget.

Who is Impacted

  • Huntington Beach residents would see changes in budget cycles, council vacancy policies, pronouns, and how meetings can be canceled.

Intended For

  • Supporters argue the governance changes promote efficiency and representation.

Voter Impacts

  • Voters decide if they want to change rules regarding city budgets, cancellations, vacancies and language modernization. Approving grants the flexibility while rejecting means maintaining current policies.

In summary, Huntington Beach's Measure 3 proposes several charter tweaks to budgets, vacancies, mee

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