Created by Anirudh


Measure 1 - Voter ID and Election Rules Amendment

Measure 1 - Voter ID and Election Rules Amendment

Measure 1 - Voter ID and Election Rules Amendment

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024


  • Measure 1 is a proposed charter amendment on the March 2024 ballot seeking to change various election policies and procedures in Huntington Beach.

Key Facts

  • Would allow the city to require voter ID for municipal elections starting in 2026

  • Provides for at least 20 ADA-compliant in-person voting locations in the city

  • States dropboxes must be monitored for compliance

  • Defines electors more narrowly as U.S. citizens, city residents over 18

  • Gives precedence to city charter over state Election Code in conflicts

Financial Impact

  • Potential costs related to implementing voter ID checks, expanded voting sites, dropbox monitoring.

Who is Impacted

  • Huntington Beach voters would face new ID requirements and see changes to voting administration procedures.

Intended For

  • Supporters argue the measures are intended to promote voter confidence and election integrity.

Voter Impacts

  • Voters would decide if they support tighter voting restrictions/oversight proposed versus potential disenfranchisement concerns raised. Approving grants the city latitude to change election policies while rejecting means adhering to existing state standards.

In summary, Huntington Beach's proposed Measure 1 would amend the city charter to allow new voter ID checks, accessibility measures, dropbox oversight and other election policy changes proponents argue bolster integrity. Opponents contend it could suppress turnout.


  • Measure 1 is a proposed charter amendment on the March 2024 ballot seeking to change various election policies and procedures in Huntington Beach.

Key Facts

  • Would allow the city to require voter ID for municipal elections starting in 2026

  • Provides for at least 20 ADA-compliant in-person voting locations in the city

  • States dropboxes must be monitored for compliance

  • Defines electors more narrowly as U.S. citizens, city residents over 18

  • Gives precedence to city charter over state Election Code in conflicts

Financial Impact

  • Potential costs related to implementing voter ID checks, expanded voting sites, dropbox monitoring.

Who is Impacted

  • Huntington Beach voters would face new ID requirements and see changes to voting administration procedures.

Intended For

  • Supporters argue the measures are intended to promote voter confidence and election integrity.

Voter Impacts

  • Voters would decide if they support tighter voting restrictions/oversight proposed versus potential disenfranchisement concerns raised. Approving grants the city latitude to change election policies while rejecting means adhering to existing state standards.

In summary, Huntington Beach's proposed Measure 1 would amend the city charter to allow new voter ID checks, accessibility measures, dropbox oversight and other election policy changes proponents argue bolster integrity. Opponents contend it could suppress turnout.


  • Measure 1 is a proposed charter amendment on the March 2024 ballot seeking to change various election policies and procedures in Huntington Beach.

Key Facts

  • Would allow the city to require voter ID for municipal elections starting in 2026

  • Provides for at least 20 ADA-compliant in-person voting locations in the city

  • States dropboxes must be monitored for compliance

  • Defines electors more narrowly as U.S. citizens, city residents over 18

  • Gives precedence to city charter over state Election Code in conflicts

Financial Impact

  • Potential costs related to implementing voter ID checks, expanded voting sites, dropbox monitoring.

Who is Impacted

  • Huntington Beach voters would face new ID requirements and see changes to voting administration procedures.

Intended For

  • Supporters argue the measures are intended to promote voter confidence and election integrity.

Voter Impacts

  • Voters would decide if they support tighter voting restrictions/oversight proposed versus potential disenfranchisement concerns raised. Approving grants the city latitude to change election policies while rejecting means adhering to existing state standards.

In summary, Huntington Beach's proposed Measure 1 would amend the city charter to allow new voter ID checks, accessibility measures, dropbox oversight and other election policy changes proponents argue bolster integrity. Opponents contend it could suppress turnout.

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tl;dr voters is in beta release and may display incorrect information.